Master's thesis in cooperation with ChemTherm: Modeling and simulation of inductive heating of fixed-bed reactors
by Zishan Mahmood
In cooperation with the Institute of Chemical Process Engineering and other industrial partners, we are delighted to welcome Tim Irlweck to our company. Tim will be supported by our team as part of his Master's thesis at the University of Stuttgart. His master's thesis is dedicated to the overarching topic of the electrification of chemical processes.
The energy transition in Germany is bringing many changes for the chemical industry. Processes that were previously powered by fossil fuels will have to be converted to alternative energy sources in the near future. This also means that the combustion of fossil fuels as a heat source will increasingly have to be replaced by electrical heat sources. This electrification of chemical processes poses a considerable challenge for the industry.
The main focus of the master's thesis is to create a model-based test track for the inductive heating of catalyst materials. Accordingly, the existing test rig is to be supplemented by a digital twin. The next step will be to investigate the influence of induction on different materials and structures relevant to the chemical industry. Furthermore, the optimization of the electrical heating of endothermic reactions, such as ammonia decomposition, is in the foreground.
We expect this work to provide new insights into the electrification of chemical reactors using new technologies. We look forward to working with Tim and wish him a good start to his Master's thesis!
by Zishan Mahmood
Master's thesis in cooperation with ChemTherm: Modeling and simulation of inductive heating of fixed-bed reactors
In cooperation with the Institute of Chemical Process Engineering and other industrial partners, we are delighted to welcome Tim Irlweck to our company.
by Raschid Abdel Aal
Cooperation with LightPulse LASER PRECISION
LightPulse uses ultrashort pulse lasers to work surfaces on a nanoscale. A wide variety of structures can be processed with this precise tool. The properties of the surface can be changed in a targeted manner. For example, laser-generated structures can be used to make a steel surface water-repellent (hydrophobic).
by Raschid Abdel Aal
ChemTherm presents itself at REACT24
From May 6 to 8, 2024, DECHEMA's annual conference for reaction engineering and electrochemical processes, REACT 2024, will take place at the Würzburg Congress Center. This event attracts researchers from universities as well as scientists from the industry and offers a platform for the exchange of information on current developments in the industry.
by Raschid Abdel Aal
Bachelor thesis by Lara Benke
In Kooperation mit dem Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik führt Lara Benke, Studentin der Umweltschutztechnik, ihre Bachelorarbeit in unserem Unternehmen durch. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt unter anderem darauf, wie das Verdampfungsverhalten charakterisiert werden kann. Dabei bedient sie sich verschiedener Techniken wie Druckmessung, Massenspektrometrie und Thermografie.